You Want To Order !! :)

1. Fill in the order form at order online form. You may also email us at beagor.gorgeous@gmail.com with the details as in the form.

2.Wait for our confirmation email which consists of total amount (plus postage fee if any) and account details. This confirmation email will be send to u within 24 hours.

3. Please reply to the confirmation email as soon as possible. Orders will be consider cancelled if we do not receive any reply to our confirmation email within 48 hours.

4.Maximum of 3 days will be given to make payments. Kindly email or sms us after the payment is being made and allow 48 hours for us to confirm your payment status.For Cash on Delivery, payment can be given during delivery of item(s).

5.Wait for your item(s). For ready stock it will take 2 to 3 working days.

6.Please have the courtesy to inform me if you're no longer interested. It will be much appreciated ;) (We don't bite)Enjoy your goodies n thanks for shopping with us ~! :)

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