If you have any inquiry,please do not be hesitated to contact us at 019-3330011, 013-3562524 or 016-2095036 (8.30am -5.30pm - SMS) or email to: beagor.gorgeous@gmail
How to Order?
Pick your favorite item(s) and simply fill up the order form or send us an email to beagor.gorgeous@gmail.com
Step 1. Write in & Send Name: Code Item: Size: Address: Contact Number: Opt : COD or POSLAJU
Step 2.
After we have received your email, we will send you a confirmation email within 2 days. Please reply the confirmation email within 2 days too.
Step 3.
Bank in or transfer the payment to our MAYBANK or CIMB accounts within 3days. If there is no reply from you, your order shall be released without any further notice.
Step 4.
After you have banked it, please send us an email which includes the transaction date, amount and which bank you bank it to. Items will be sent out the next day once payment is made.